JM - Tropical Wood

Angelim pedra

Ormosia coccinea


When freshly cut the sapwood is a very light brown in color and the heartwood is a yellowish red.

The wood has high basic density with medium linear contractions and stable volumetric contraction. Due to its hardness and mechanical resistance, the wood is somewhat difficult to saw. It rates well for workability, brushing, and molding. Drilling is moderately difficult.
The natural drying process is slow, but the wood behaves well under artificial drying. The natural durability is good. The wood is moderately resistant to biological attack: the sapwood is susceptible, but the heartwood requires no preservation.
Due to the high proportion of sapwood, whilst the logs are large their yield in final product is usually low.

The wood is used in carpentry work, furniture, decorative veneers, floors (tongue and groove parquet, staircase steps), building structures (beams, joists, columns, trusses) and heavy construction (bridges, mine supports, pylons, bodywork, and packaging).

Radial cut
Tangential cut
Cross cut 10X

Basic density

0.60 g/cm³

Tangential shrinkage


Radial shrinkage


T/R ratio


Bending modulus of elasticity

134000 kg/cm²

Breakage modulus of elasticity

843 kg/cm²

Parallel compression (RM)

443 kg/cm²

Perpendicular compression (ELP)

70 kg/cm²

Grain parallel cut

113 kg/cm²

Hardness on the sides

661 kg/cm²

Hardness on the sides

3.60 kg-m