JM - Tropical Wood


Apuleia Leiocarpa


Sapwood is narrow and whitish in colour while the heart wood is mainly yellowish, varying from yellowish-brown to pinkish-yellow, tending to acquire a reddish or coppery hue after exposure. The wood is lustrous, with a straight to spiralling grain (occasionally slightly interlocked) and with a fine, uniform texture. The wood is hard, heavy, tough and strong.

Exterior, Bridges, Poles, Paling, Fence pickets, Crossarms, Crossties, General Housing, Beams, Parquet, Frames, Steps, Furniture and cabinet, Turned furniture, Sports Equipment, Bowling, polo, Tools, Tool handles, Containers, Truck bodies, Naval Construction.
Radial cut
Cross cut 10X

Basic density

0.75 g/cm³

Tangential shrinkage


Radial shrinkage


T/R ratio


Bending modulus of elasticity

1,272 kg/cm²

Breakage modulus of elasticity

129,600 kgf/cm²

Parallel compression (RM)

644 kgf/cm²

Perpendicular compression (ELP)

158 kgf/cm²

Grain parallel cut

155 kg/cm²

Hardness on the sides

745 kgf/cm²

Hardness on end grain

845 12% mc (kfc)